
WARNING: If you are reading this on GitHub, DON'T! Read the documentation at so you have working references and proper formatting.


Get portal object

Getting the Plone portal object is easy with api.portal.get().

from plone import api
portal = api.portal.get()

Get navigation root

In multi-lingual or multi-site Plone installations you probably want to get the language-specific navigation root object, not the top portal object. You do this with api.portal.get_navigation_root().

Assuming there is a document english_page in a folder en, which is the navigation root:

from plone import api
nav_root = api.portal.get_navigation_root(english_page)

returns the folder en. If the folder en is not a navigation root it would return the portal.

Get portal url

Since we now have the portal object, it's easy to get the portal url.

from plone import api
url = api.portal.get().absolute_url()

Get tool

To get a portal tool in a simple way, just use api.portal.get_tool() and pass in the name of the tool you need.

from plone import api
catalog = api.portal.get_tool(name='portal_catalog')

Get localized time

To display the date/time in a user-friendly way, localized to the user's prefered language, use api.portal.get_localized_time().

from plone import api
from DateTime import DateTime
today = DateTime()
localized = api.portal.get_localized_time(datetime=today)

Send E-Mail

To send an e-mail use api.portal.send_email():

from plone import api
    body="One for you Bob!",

Show notification message

With api.portal.show_message() you can show a notification message to the user.

from plone import api
api.portal.show_message(message='Blueberries!', request=request)

Get record

Plone comes with a package that provides a common way to store various configuration and settings. api.portal.get_registry_record() provides an easy way to access these.

from plone import api

One common pattern when using registry records is to define an interface with all the settings. api.portal.get_registry_record() also allows you to use this pattern.

from plone import api
api.portal.get_registry_record('field_one', interface=IMyRegistrySettings)

Set record

Plone comes with a package that provides a common way to store various configuration and settings. api.portal.set_registry_record() provides an easy way to change these.

from plone import api
api.portal.set_registry_record('my.package.someoption', False)

One common pattern when using registry records is to define an interface with all the settings. api.portal.set_registry_record() also allows you to use this pattern.

from plone import api
api.portal.set_registry_record('field_one', u'new value', interface=IMyRegistrySettings)

Further reading

For more information on possible flags and usage options please see the full plone.api.portal specification.