Unit testing


Unit tests are automated tests created by the developer to ensure that the add-on product is intact in the current product configuration. Unit tests are regression tests and are designed to catch broken functionality over the code evolution.

Running unit tests

Since Plone 4, it is recommended to use zc.testrunner to run the test suites. You need to add it to your buildout.cfg, so that the test command will be generated.

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
defaults = ['--auto-color', '--auto-progress']
eggs =

Running tests for one package:

bin/test -s package.subpackage

Running tests for one test case:

bin/test -s package.subpackage -t TestCaseClassName

Running tests for two test cases:

bin/test -s package.subpackage -t TestClass1|TestClass2

To drop into the pdb debugger after each test failure:

bin/test -s package.subpackage -D

To exclude tests:

bin/test -s package.subpackage -t !test_name

To list tests that will be run:

bin/test -s package.subpackage --list-tests

The following will run tests for all Plone add-ons: useful to check whether you have a set of component that function well together:



The test runner does not give an error if you supply invalid package and test case name. Instead it just simply doesn't execute tests.

More information:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'test_suite'

If you get the above error message there are two potential reasons:

  • You have both a tests.py file and a tests folder.
  • Old version: Zope version X unit test framework was updated not to need an explicit test_suite declaration in the test module any more. Instead, all subclasses of TestCase are automatically picked. However, this change is backwards incompatible.

Test coverage

Zope test running can show how much of your code is covered by automatic tests:

Running tests against Python egg

You might need to add additional setup.py options to get your tests work

Creating unit tests

For any new test suites, you should be using plone.app.testing, your next step should be to read the documentation </external/plone.app.testing/docs/source>.

You may come across Products.PloneTestCase <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.PloneTestCase> in older code. Also interesting is ZopeTestCase <http://www.zope.org/Members/shh/ZopeTestCaseWiki/ApiReference>.

Miscallaneous hints

Setting log level in unit tests

Many components use the DEBUG output level, while the default output level for unit testing is INFO. Import messages may go unnoticed during the unit test development.

Add this to your unit test code:

def enableDebugLog(self):
    """ Enable context.plone_log() output from Python scripts """
    import sys, logging
    from Products.CMFPlone.log import logger

Test outgoing email messages

The MailHost code has changed in Plone 4. For more detail about the changes please read the relevant section in the Plone Upgrade Guide. According to that guide we can reuse some of the test code in Products.CMFPlone.tests.

Here's some example of a unittest.TestCase based on the excellent plone.app.testing framework. Adapt it to your own needs.

#Pythonic libraries
import unittest2 as unittest
from email import message_from_string

from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_ID
from plone.app.testing import login, logout
from plone.app.testing import setRoles
from plone.testing.z2 import Browser

from Acquisition import aq_base
from zope.component import getSiteManager
from Products.CMFPlone.tests.utils import MockMailHost
from Products.MailHost.interfaces import IMailHost
import transaction

#hkl namespace
from holokinesislibros.purchaseorder.testing import\

class TestOrder(unittest.TestCase):


    def setUp(self):
        self.app = self.layer['app']
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']
        self.portal._original_MailHost = self.portal.MailHost
        self.portal.MailHost = mailhost = MockMailHost('MailHost')
        sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal)
        sm.registerUtility(mailhost, provided=IMailHost)

        self.portal.email_from_address = 'noreply@holokinesislibros.com'

    def tearDown(self):
        self.portal.MailHost = self.portal._original_MailHost
        sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal)

    def test_mockmailhost_setting(self):
        #open contact form
        browser = Browser(self.app)
        # Now fill in the form:

        form = browser.getForm(name='feedback_form')
        form.getControl(name='sender_fullname').value = 'T\xc3\xa4st user'
        form.getControl(name='sender_from_address').value = 'test@plone.test'
        form.getControl(name='subject').value = 'Saluton amiko to\xc3\xb1o'
        form.getControl(name='message').value = 'Message with funny chars: \xc3\xa1\xc3\xa9\xc3\xad\xc3\xb3\xc3\xba\xc3\xb1.'

        # And submit it:
        self.assertEqual(browser.url, 'http://nohost/plone/contact-info')
        self.assertIn('Mail sent', browser.contents)

        # As part of our test setup, we replaced the original MailHost with our
        # own version.  Our version doesn't mail messages, it just collects them
        # in a list called ``messages``:
        mailhost = self.portal.MailHost
        self.assertEqual(len(mailhost.messages), 1)
        msg = message_from_string(mailhost.messages[0])

        self.assertEqual(msg['MIME-Version'], '1.0')
        self.assertEqual(msg['Content-Type'], 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"')
        self.assertEqual(msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'], 'quoted-printable')
        self.assertEqual(msg['Subject'], '=?utf-8?q?Saluton_amiko_to=C3=B1o?=')
        self.assertEqual(msg['From'], 'noreply@holokinesislibros.com')
        self.assertEqual(msg['To'], 'noreply@holokinesislibros.com')
        msg_body = msg.get_payload()
        self.assertIn(u'Message with funny chars: =C3=A1=C3=A9=C3=AD=C3=B3=C3=BA=C3=B1',

Unit testing and the Zope component architecture

If you are dealing with the Zope component architecture at a low level in your unit tests, there are some things to remember, because the global site manager doesn't behave properly in unit tests.

See discussion: http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/PTC-global-components-bug-tp3413057p3413057.html

Below are examples how to run special ZCML snippets for your unit tests.

import unittest
from base import PaymentProcessorTestCase
from Products.Five import zcml
from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from getpaid.paymentprocessors.registry import paymentProcessorRegistry

configure_zcml = '''



bad_processor_zcml = '''



class TestZCML(PaymentProcessorTestCase):
    """ Test ZCML directives """

    def test_register(self):
        """ Check that ZCML entry gets added to our processor registry """

        # See that our processor got registered
        self.assertEqual(len(papaymentProcessorRegistryistry.items()), 1)

    def test_bad_processor(self):
        """ Check that ZCML entry which has bad processor declaration is caught """

            raise AssertionError("Should not be never reached")
        except ConfigurationError, e: