Installing add-on packages using buildout


Plone uses Buildout for installing add-on packages. See installation instructions for how to create a Plone installation suitable for development.

Discovering Plone add-ons and other python packages

The Products is a directory of Plone add-on packages where a lot of add-on packages for Plone are listed.

A lot more packages can be found in the PyPI (the Python Package index), although most of the packages might not be Plone specific.

Installing add-ons using buildout

Add-on packages which are uploaded to PyPI or as egg can be installed by buildout.

Edit your buildout.cfg file and add the add-on package to the list of eggs:

eggs =


The above example works for the buildout created by the unified installer. If you however have a custom buildout you might need to add the egg to the eggs list in the [instance] section rather than adding it in the [buildout] section.

For the changes to take effect you need to re-run buildout from your console:


Restart your instance for the changes to take effect:

bin/instance restart

Installing development version of add-on packages

If you need to use the latest development version of an add-on package you can easily get the source in your development installation using the buildout extension mr.developer.

For managing the sources it is recommended to create a sources.cfg which you can include in your buildout.

extends =
extensions = mr.developer

auto-checkout =

Adding add-on package names to the auto-checkout list will make buildout check out the source to the src directory upon next buildout run.


It is not recommended to use auto-checkout = *, especially when you extend from a big list of sources, such as the list.


The auto-checkout option only checks out the source. It is also required to add the package to the eggs list for getting it installed, see above.

After creating a sources.cfg you need to make sure that it gets loaded by the buildout.cfg. This is done by adding it to the extends list in your buildout.cfg:

extends =

As always: after modifying the buildout configuration you need to rerun buildout and restart your instance:

bin/buildout -N
bin/instance restart