Theming Plone¶
The current best-practice way to theme a Plone site is by using an engine called "Diazo". This allows designers to design a theme in just plain, flat HTML, CSS (and javascript, if wanted) and then to hook that into the Plone backend to fill it with sophisticated content.
The easiest way to do this is to use "". But if you need to integrate Plone with other back-end servers, legacy systems, or any webservice, you can use Diazo to all combine it in a unified look & feel.
General information on the stylesheets and other resources in Plone
Information on 'old-style' theming for Plone 3, but still valid in Plone 4. So upgrading from Plone3 to Plone4 is possible without switching to the new style of theming.
Do note that for all new theme development, Diazo is strongly recommended.