Web-server options


install_webserver: (yes|no)

Do you want to install Nginx? Defaults to yes.


If you decide not to install the webserver -- which acts as a reverse proxy -- you are on your own for making sure that Plone is accessible at a well-known port.

Virtual hosting setup

  - hostname: plone.org
    default_server: yes
      - www.plone.org
    zodb_path: /Plone
    port: 80
    protocol: http
    client_max_body_size: 4M
  - hostname: plone.org
    zodb_path: /Plone
    port: 443
    protocol: https
    certificate_file: /thiscomputer/path/mycert.crt
    key_file: /thiscomputer/path/mycert.key

Connects host names to paths in the ZODB. The address and port are used to construct the listen directive. If no address is specified, * will be used. If no port is specified, 80 will be used for http or 443 for https. If no protocol is specified, http will be used.

Default value:

  - hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    default_server: yes
    zodb_path: /Plone
      - default


If you are setting up an https server, you must supply certificate and key files. The files will be copied from your local machine (the one containing the playbook) to the target server. Your key file must not be encrypted or you will not be able to start the web server automatically.


Make sure that your source key file is not placed in a public location.


Certificate files may be specified in one of two ways.

To copy certificate files from the machine running Ansible, use the format:

  - hostname: ...
    certificate_file: /thiscomputer/path/mycert.crt
    key_file: /thiscomputer/path/mycert.key

To use files that already exist on the controlled server, use:

  - hostname: ...
      key: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
      crt: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

Redirections, etc.

If you do not specify a zodb_path, the webserver role will not automatically create a location stanza with a rewrite and proxy_pass directives.

If you specify extra, the value will be copied into the server stanza before the location setions.

Let's take a look at a common use for these options:

- hostname: plone.com
  protocol: http
  extra: return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

This is a redirect to https setting.

Status and monitoring

If you want to monitor your web server, make sure you have a "localhost" hostname or "default" alias with "http" protocol. This virtual server will have the status check set up on localhost.

You should know

When you do specify a zodb_path, so that the webserver role knows that you're working with Plone, it will block URLs containing "/manage_" and will block http basic authentication. This means that it will be difficult to use the Zope Management Interface via the web server reverse proxy. Instead, use an SSH tunnel to the load balancer. Remember, this is a production installation. It should be hard to use the ZMI via the public interface.