
This document contains miscellaneous notes about DataGridField field and DataGridWiget widget.

DataGridField is an Archetypes field and widget to add tabular structures to your custom content types.


DataGridField acts as any other Archetypes based field.

To read DGF content use accessor function:

data = myobject.getMyDGF() #

Data is a Python list of dictionaries. Each dictionary presents one row. Dictionary keys are column ids and dictionary values are cell values.

To set DGF content you must replace all rows at once:

mydata = [
    { "column1" : "value", "column2" : "something else" }, # row 1
    { "column1" : "xxx", "column2" : "yyy" } # row 2


To append a row to DFG, you need to read it, manipulate the list, and then reset the value:

rows = myobject.getMyDGF() # This returns a copy which you can modify freely
rows.append({ "column1" : "value", "column2" : "something else" })
myobject.setMyDGF(rows) # Now set the value with one new row

Modify cell value in DGF:

rows = myobject.getMyDGF() # This returns a copy which you can modify freely
rows[0]["column1"] = "newvalue" # Set a string value for row 1, cell 1 (cell using column id column1)
myobject.setMyDGF(rows) # Now set the value with one new row


Checkbox column values are handled specially:

def convertCheckboxValue(value):
    """ DataGridField value converter for CheckboxColumn """
    if value is None:
        return None

    if value == '':
        return False

    if value == '1':
        return True

    # XXX: Not sure if happens
    if value == '0':
        return False

    raise RuntimeError("Bad checkbox value:" + value)

Other resources

Please enable DEBUG in on your local computer. After this setting has been changed, you can run unit tests and install example types on your computer.

Refer unit tests for more code examples.

Refer Archetypes manual for basics Archetypes developer information.