Where's my Egg Location?

It is easy enough for Zope to find your eggs, harder for humans.

Plone version 3.1.2 onwards

Core Plone Default Products

For core products used in the Plone Default Theme, buildout has an eggs directory

  • [your buildout]/eggs

which is where eggs are automatically dropped when Plone is installed.

Your own theme product

Because your own theme product will be under development, this will go in a separate place in your buildout

  • [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster|]/src

(note that to share eggs between buildouts you can specify a different location for this in a buildout defaults file, check the buildout tutorial on plone.org for more information).

Using Omelette to get at your eggs quickly

It is a bit of a drag navigating your way around all the eggs used by Plone. David Glick's Omelette recipe creates a unified directory structure of all namespace packages, symlinking to the actual contents, via buildout. Full instructions and documentation on this can be found here:


Once you've re-run buildout with the omelette recipe, you'll find that you have a new section here:

  • [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster]/parts/omelette

and eggs such as plone.app.layout can be found in:

  • [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster]/parts/omelette/plone/app/layout

Plone version 3.1.1 or lower

Plone Installer

If you have installed Plone with an installer, then the eggs will probably have been dropped into

  • [your plone installation]/Python/Lib/site-packages.

However, if you've used the Plone 3.1 universal installer, then you will have a buildout based installation.

The Plone Product Package

If you used the product package (i.e. installed from source), then you may well find them in

  • [your Zope instance]/lib/python.