Where's my Egg Location?¶
It is easy enough for Zope to find your eggs, harder for humans.
Plone version 3.1.2 onwards¶
- Core Plone Default Products
For core products used in the Plone Default Theme, buildout has an eggs directory
- [your buildout]/eggs
which is where eggs are automatically dropped when Plone is installed.
- Your own theme product
Because your own theme product will be under development, this will go in a separate place in your buildout
- [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster|]/src
(note that to share eggs between buildouts you can specify a different location for this in a buildout defaults file, check the buildout tutorial on plone.org for more information).
Using Omelette to get at your eggs quickly¶
It is a bit of a drag navigating your way around all the eggs used by Plone. David Glick's Omelette recipe creates a unified directory structure of all namespace packages, symlinking to the actual contents, via buildout. Full instructions and documentation on this can be found here:
Once you've re-run buildout with the omelette recipe, you'll find that you have a new section here:
- [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster]/parts/omelette
and eggs such as plone.app.layout can be found in:
- [your buildout]/[zinstance|zeocluster]/parts/omelette/plone/app/layout
Plone version 3.1.1 or lower¶
- Plone Installer
If you have installed Plone with an installer, then the eggs will probably have been dropped into
- [your plone installation]/Python/Lib/site-packages.
However, if you've used the Plone 3.1 universal installer, then you will have a buildout based installation.
- The Plone Product Package
If you used the product package (i.e. installed from source), then you may well find them in
- [your Zope instance]/lib/python.